===== Background FAX option: ===== A true background fax option is now built into the program if you purchase a field tested CAS [TM]-compatible FAX board from another vendor. In earlier releases you had to 'shell out' using Fast Runner [TM], invoke your fax foreground software, send the fax, then return back as the Fast Runner [TM] window closed. Now you can send a fax without leaving the Memo screen. In the activity Memo Options Menu you will observe option F: "F) Send Fax" Once you enter option F, the program will then display the list of Alternate Phone Numbers for that person. After you select a phone number from that list, the MTEZ [TM] 'Telefascimile Module' takes over in the background and sends the Activity Memo to that person. If you select more than one phone number from the Alternate list, then MTEZ [TM] will send the text to that person also. Each background 'send' instruction takes about one second, then begins its attempt to deliver or re-deliver that fax in the background while you continue doing other work. To purchase the board that performs this background faxing, please contact: Dallas FAX 13771 N. Central Suite 1001, Dallas,TX 75243 (800) 876-8581 Sales (214) 699-8999 Admin. (214) 699-9079 Fax Ask for their standard 2496 Fax/Modem, not the 2496-'V'. It sells for below $99 and contains a combination 9600 baud fax/2400 baud modem. The Dallas FAX product comes bundled with the MTEZ [TM] 'Telefascimile Module'. MagicSoft, Inc., Lombard, IL, has generously extended their permission to use their CASSEND.EXE routines within this program. CASSEND.EXE is their intellectual property and passes key values from the Memo Options Menu into their MTEZ [TM] background software. MTEZ [TM] is a registered trademark of MagicSoft, Inc. CASSEND.ASM and CASSEND.EXE are Copyright MagicSoft, Inc., 1991 CAS (Communications Applications Specification) [TM] is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation and Digital Communications Associates, Inc.